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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School


Welcome to St Edmund’s.  Whether you are an established family within the school, a new parent or a passing visitor, I have no doubt that you will find something of interest within our website! Our teachers are enthusiastic and strive to encourage a love of learning in our pupils and a richness in faith. Our broad curriculum is God ce...
  • To complete the "Year of the Word" (focus on the Our Father) our children learnt to sing the Our Father in French. Here is a sample of the children to share it with you. Thank you also to the families who shared the prayer in their home language.

    25/02/13 11:17:3413 February

  • We are delighted to let you know that the children are now using the hive on a more regular basis designed to be a safe space where children can relax, take a break when needed or spend time with their peers. To date it has been a great success!

    25/02/04 12:29:414 February

  • Sporting News - Girls Football Match The girls football team played a fierce Heathfield side on Thursday. After conceding an unfortunate goal, the team battled to a 3-1 victory – keeping us top of the league! Well done girls!

    25/02/03 15:56:243 February

  • Nursery have been reading and exploring We’re Going on A Bear Hunt-Michael Rosen. They had a fabulous time immersing themselves in the story and making all the props. This helped them to become more confident in talking and joining - we suspect they will go on a bear hunt again!

    25/01/30 15:53:2230 January

  • Jubilee Year of Hope 2R helped launch the Jubilee Year of Hope with a wonderful assembly. A Jubilee or Holy Year is a special year of forgiveness and reconciliation in which people are invited to strengthen their relationship with God with one another and with all of creation.

    25/01/29 11:57:0729 January

  • We now have tours available for Nursery admissions September 2025, please call the office to book a place, closing date for applications is 3rd March.

    25/01/21 13:12:1721 January

  • World Book Day 2025 What a day! It started with a fabulous assembly led by 1H, children reading with each other across the school, cartoon workshops, character parade to name but a few. The children (and parents) and teachers made an amazing effort to celebrate the joy of reading.

    25/03/06 14:40:446 March

  • Pancake Day is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday, which is the day before the start of Lent. Today we celebrated with the children in Year 1 & 2 being waiters at the Pancake Café, they had to take the order of jam, lemon or sugar and then deliver the pancake with the tasty toppings. They worked tirelessly all day and served over 500 pancakes!! to pupils, staff and visitors. A big thank you to all the parents that came into school today to help make this pancake café a huge success, we are very grateful for all your hard work.

    25/03/04 15:50:524 March

  • On Monday 24th February, after winning a borough-wide competition earlier this year, the Y5&6 girls' football team were chosen to represent Brentford Football Club in the London Regional Premier League All Stars tournament. After a tricky start to the group stage, with a draw against Wimbledon AFC and a loss against Southend, they battled the odds to win every subsequent game in their group, against Chelsea, QPR, Arsenal and Leyton Orient. This gave them the chance to qualify for the National Finals - if they could win the last match against West Ham to put the team into third place overall. Everyone's nerves were on edge (especially Mr Rose's and Mrs Stringer's) but they secured their place definitively after winning their final game 4-0. The girls played some wonderful team football, supporting each other and building each other up when things were tough. They scored 24 goals over 7 games and one of our players even received a special award for Being Inspiring after stepping up as goalkeeper midway through the day and ensuring they made it through to the finals. We are so proud of the whole team - roll on the Nationals!

    25/02/26 12:27:5826 February

  • To complete the "Year of the Word" (focus on the Our Father) our children learnt to sing the Our Father in French. Here is a sample of the children to share it with you. Thank you also to the families who shared the prayer in their home language. The children were so proud to share it with their friends.

    25/02/13 11:08:1913 February

  • This term, as part of the Year 6 Science, Geography and Citizenship programme, the children will start to learn more about climate change. To enrich this learning, we have invited a volunteer from the Climate Ed project to lead a series of free climate workshops to the children, during the school day.

    25/02/04 13:18:154 February

  • We are delighted to let you know that the children are now using the hive on a more regular basis and this is being built up over time. As many of you know, the hive was purchased by the PA and friends of Mr Young to help keep his memory alive. Mr Young supported Brentford Football Club also known as the 'Bees' and that is why it is called 'The Hive'. The Hive was designed to be one of St Edmund's safe spaces where children can relax, take a break when needed or spend time with their peers. It is designed as a cosy and welcoming place where children can feel listened to and a fun place to be. It will be used for a variety of activities throughout the day such as whole class wellbeing sessions, collective worship, lunchtime chill out sessions, etc. Reception and Nursery are able to book times to use the Hive during the school day. On Monday and Tuesday lunchtimes, the Hive is open from 12pm to 1pm for 'drop in' sessions. The lunchtime 'drop in' sessions will be used for children to 'chill out' and for those who need a bit of calm or a break from the busy playground. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will be supporting in The Hive, alongside one adult. Wellbeing resources will be available throughout the session such as board games, mindful colouring, puppets, dress up etc. To date it has been a great success!

    25/02/04 12:22:314 February