Thank you so much for your donations to HCPT (a registered charity offering pilgrimages to Lourdes) that were collected after the Advent carol concert and nativity performances, this amounted to £677.04! Thank you, It's supporters like you that help us change the world every day.
Well done to the Mini Vinnies for organising the Sponsored Daily Mile for our Advent fundraising with the generosity of our Parents who sponsored their children we raised £537.00! Thank you to the children for making this happen and thank you for your kind generosity once again.
We asked our wonderful children about some of the things they enjoy about coming to school here at St Edmund's. Call us on 020 8894 7898 (the school office) to book a tour on Tuesday 14th January or Wednesday 15th at 9am.
We are delighted to share our recent Catholic Schools Inspection report. Our wonderful school achieved Grade 1 in all nine areas with an overall Outstanding judgement. The full report can be read here @RCWestminster @LBRUT
Open mornings for Reception Places starting in September 2025
On behalf of all the staff at St Edmund's we wish you and your families a very happy and holy Christmas.
This term, as part of the Year 6 Science, Geography and Citizenship programme, the children will start to learn more about climate change. To enrich this learning, we have invited a volunteer from the Climate Ed project to lead a series of free climate workshops to the children, during the school day.
We are delighted to let you know that the children are now using the hive on a more regular basis and this is being built up over time. As many of you know, the hive was purchased by the PA and friends of Mr Young to help keep his memory alive. Mr Young supported Brentford Football Club also known as the 'Bees' and that is why it is called 'The Hive'. The Hive was designed to be one of St Edmund's safe spaces where children can relax, take a break when needed or spend time with their peers. It is designed as a cosy and welcoming place where children can feel listened to and a fun place to be. It will be used for a variety of activities throughout the day such as whole class wellbeing sessions, collective worship, lunchtime chill out sessions, etc. Reception and Nursery are able to book times to use the Hive during the school day. On Monday and Tuesday lunchtimes, the Hive is open from 12pm to 1pm for 'drop in' sessions. The lunchtime 'drop in' sessions will be used for children to 'chill out' and for those who need a bit of calm or a break from the busy playground. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will be supporting in The Hive, alongside one adult. Wellbeing resources will be available throughout the session such as board games, mindful colouring, puppets, dress up etc. To date it has been a great success!
Sporting News - Girls Football Match The girls football team played a fierce Heathfield side on Thursday. After conceding an unfortunate goal, the team battled to a 3-1 victory – keeping us top of the league! Well done girls!
We're Going on a Bear Hunt! Nursery spent two weeks reading and exploring 'We're Going on A Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. They had a fabulous time immersing themselves in the story by making all the props. They learnt about different types of bears, and how to make green for the grass by mixing two colours together, they even made their own mud and found out that snow is frozen rain. They couldn't make snow for the snow storm, but they found out how the cold freezes water to make ice. They watched Michael Rosen's performance and joined in with all the actions and words. It was very dramatic! This story helped the children to become more confident in talking and joining in, but most of all they had such a fantastic time that we suspect they will go on a bear hunt again!
Jubilee Year of Hope Last week, 2R helped the launch the Jubilee Year of Hope at St Edmund's with a wonderful assembly. A Jubilee or Holy Year is a special year of forgiveness and reconciliation, in which people are invited to strengthen their relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation. A Jubilee Year is celebrated by the Church every 25 years. This has been the case since 1470, when Pope Paul II changed it from every 50 years. A Pope can also proclaim an Extraordinary Jubilee, like the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy which Pope Francis inaugurated in 2015. The theme of this jubilee year is Pilgrims of Hope. Pope Francis has invited Catholics to renew our hope and discover a vision that can "restore access to the fruits of the earth to everyone". We are also invited to rediscover a spirituality of God's creation in which we understand ourselves as "pilgrims on the earth" rather than masters of the world.
We now have tours available for Nursery admissions September 2025, please call the office to book a place, closing date for applications is 3rd March. Whitton Village