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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School

Physical Education

This is an essential part of your child’s social, as well as physical development. We help children to develop skills in athletics, dance, games and gymnastics.

In the juniors children are taught to swim at Isleworth swimming pool.

In addition to PE classes, children can join after school clubs for netball, football, dance and athletics. Please see our list of after school clubs to see what is currently on offer.

Teams take part successfully in local leagues, athletics meetings and swimming galas. We have done exceptionally well in the past two years and the school are very proud of the children’s achievements.

We are also fortunate to have the specialist services of Mark Fabian whose previous experiences include working for Brentford FC and Crystal Palace FC Academy staff for four years.

We are delighted to report that St Edmund's has used some Sports Funding received from the government to apply for and ensure progress towards the Schools Games Mark.   We are proud to let our pupils and parents know that we have now been awarded the School Games Platinum award for continued excellent in this area..

The School Games Mark rewards schools for their commitment to and development of competition, school sport and physical education.

We invite and take part in activities with outside providers, most recently with the Skip2Be Fit programme which we now run alongside the daily mile.

Click here to see our Fair Play Charter and our Code of  Conduct for Spectators


Gaelic Football - This year we introduced Gaelic football to our sporting repertoire.  We entered a team in the All Britain Competition this July.  The children got to play against six primary schools from all over the UK.  They went on to win four of their matches, drew one and lost one.  They played superbly and showed great grit and determination even throughout the torrential down-pours.  The children have only been playing together since the start of the summer term and did amazingly well as a team!.  Well done to all of those who played.