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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School

Roles & Responsibilities


Name Type of Governor Appointed by whom Term of Office Responsibility Committees Linked Governor Roles Voting Rights
Mark Brown LA Governor Local Authority 14.03.22-13.03.26 Vice Chair Curriculum & Achievement

Curriculum & Achievement,
HT Performance Management,
Catholic Life & Community

Safeguarding Attendance Yes
Cristina Fernandez Parent Governor Parent Body 09.02.23-08.02.27   Curriculum & Achievement PE & Science Yes
Fr Jonathan Stogdon Foundation Governor Diocese of Westminster 01.12.23 - 31.08.27   Catholic Life & Community   Yes
Clare Jones Foundation Governor Diocese of Westminster 01.10.22-31.08.26 Co-chair of Governors,
Chair of Pay & Personnel

Curriculum & Achievement,
Catholic Life & Community,
Pay & Personnel,
HT's Performance Management

British Values, Equality & Diversity,

Janine Langmead Parent Governor Parent Body 01.09.21-31.08.25  

Curriculum & Achievement,
Catholic Life & Community

Sean McAlinden Foundation Governor Diocese of Westminster 01.10.23-31.08.27

Co-chair of Governors,
Chair of Curriculum & Achievement

Curriculum & Achievement,
Resources, Pay & Personnel
English, Maths Yes
Aimee Monteith Parent Governor Parent Body 09.02.23-08.02.27 Chair of Catholic Life & Community Curriculum & Achievement, Admissions & Appeals RE Yes
Carmel Moreland Ex-officio Diocese of Westminster N/A   All committees except
HT Performance Management
N/A Yes
Gaynor Nicholl Clerk Governing Body N/A Clerk N/A N/A N/A
Fearghal Nash Staff Governor Staff 27.09.23-31.08.27   Curriculum &
Achievement, Catholic Life &
N/A Yes
Godfrey Nunes Foundation Governor Governing Body 01.09.22-31.08.26 Chair of Resources Resources, Admissions & Appeals H&S Yes
Carl Pandole Foundation Governor Diocese of Westminster 01.09.21-31.08.25 Chair of Admissions & Appeals Resources,
Curriculum & Achievement, Admissions & Appeals
LAC, SEND and Inclusion Yes
Susan Sparkes Foundation Governor Diocese of Westminster



Vice Chair of Governors

Admissions & Appeals,
Pay & Personnel,
HT Performance Management, Catholic Life & Community

Well Being & Behaviour Yes