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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School

Year 5 Curriculum

The Curriculum - What will my child do in Year 5? 

More information regarding the core subjects taught in Year 5 is detailed below.  To see an overview of the Year 5 curriculum covering every subject, please click here.  You can also click on the following links to familiarise yourself with the National Curriculum objectives taught in English and Maths:

English: Reading, Comprehension & Spoken Language 
English: Writing 

We have been working hard to develop our curriculum, to ensure that we are driving the key knowledge and skills to ensure progression through the national Curriculum. 

Please click here to view the Autumn term curriculum in Year 5.

Please click here to view the Spring term curriculum in Year 5.

Please click here to view the Summer term curriculum in Year 5.


RE - In class, the children help to prepare and participate in weekly liturgies and assemblies. Not only in the teaching, but also in the daily practice of the faith, our children are helped by the personal example of the staff. In year 5, the children spend more time learning from scripture and what it teaches us about our faith in an academic and spiritual way.

In English, new punctuation is introduced (such as hyphens, semi-colons, and colons). There is a greater emphasis on grammar features too (for example, modal verbs like wouldcouldmight, and must).  To see the expectations for year 5 punctuation please click here.  In year 5, there is more emphasis on understanding and learning more complex spelling rules, including paying attention to prefixes and suffixes (a group of letters added to the beginning/end of a word) and applying accurate spelling in written work.  In writing, we will focus on creative writing and writing for a purpose. Your child will also study different genres of writing such as letters, newspaper reports and poetry. The children always enjoy our unit of work around a Shakespeare play.

The Year 5 maths curriculum aims to embed previous learning from year 4 and build upon those foundations in order to support the children in their mathematical progress.   Year 5 provides children with the opportunity to learn a range of new formal calculation methods for the four operations. 

Teachers will also model and encourage children to become more flexible in the way they approach problem solving and recognising which strategy or method is most efficient in solving a problem.  We place a heavy emphasis on using the correct mathematical vocabulary in Year 5.  Key topics for this year will be fractions, decimals and percentages.  It is our aim that children will become more confident and competent in tackling a range of mathematical challenges by the end of their time in Year 5.

To learn more about mastery in Maths, please click here. 

Science - The Year 5 Science curriculum offers a range of exciting and motivating topics that build on children’s pre-existing scientific understanding and allow them to think scientifically when approaching investigations.  Children will learn about animal and plant life cycles and how life processes occur.  Building on their knowledge of states of matter, children will go further in year 5 and start to classify and identify changes in materials based on their properties.  Other key topics studied are forces and Earth and space.  We aim for our curriculum to deliver regular opportunities for practical investigation whilst also teaching children the importance of recording their investigations in a more formalised style.