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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School

Year 1 Curriculum

More information regarding the core subjects taught in Year 1 is detailed below.  To see an overview of the Year 1 curriculum covering every subject, please click here.  You can also click on the following links to familiarise yourself with the National Curriculum objectives taught in English and Maths:

English: Reading, Comprehension & Spoken Language 
English: Writing 
We have been working hard to develop our curriculum, to ensure that we are driving the key knowledge and skills to ensure progression through the national Curriculum. 

Please click here to view the Autumn term curriculum in Year 1.

Please click here to view the Spring term curriculum in Year 1.

Please click here to view the Summer term curriculum in Year 1.


RE - In class, pupils continue to learn about the Christian faith through RE lessons, assemblies and Mass. Pupils learn about the importance of key religious figures, feast days and the role of the church in helping us to celebrate our faith. They learn to recognise signs and symbols such as those used in Baptism and begin to recognise and retell stories from the Bible. We also explore how faith impacts our own actions and relationships with others.

Pupils also learn about other religions, developing tolerance and respect for other beliefs. In Year One pupils learn about Judaism and Hinduism.

In Reading, your child will continue to develop their phonological awareness. Pupils learn new graphemes and phonemes, as well as alternative pronunciations.  Phonics is taught daily in a fun and interactive way following the Read Write Ink phonics programme.   At the end of Year 1 pupils complete a phonics screening check which assesses their ability to decode and blend words.  For more information click here.

Pupils will also continue to develop their comprehension skills through individual, guided and shared reading in class.

In Writing, pupils will develop their sentence structures and focus on saying their sentences out loud, using their phonics to spell words and writing sentences with finger spaces, full stops and capital letters. Over the year pupils will also develop their stamina for writing and have opportunities to retell stories in fun and creative ways, explore poetry and other genres of writing. 

Maths in Year 1 has a focus on place value, addition and subtraction. It is also important that pupils have quick recall of number bonds to ten and twenty.  Pupils will also learn about Geometry (Shape and Position, movement and direction), Fractions (halves and quarters), Multiplication and Division (Doubling and Halving) and Measurement (Length, Height, Weight, Capacity, Time and Money) building on their mathematical understanding from Reception.  The national curriculum ‘mastery’ style of teaching concentrates on breadth and depth of knowledge. Pupils will be encouraged to use their understanding of the new concepts to solve challenges to deepen their understanding.
To learn more about mastery in Maths, please click here. 

Science in Year 1 is engaging and fun. Your child will learn about the seasons, animals (including humans) materials and plants. They will also learn how to work scientifically, asking simple questions and recognise how they can be answered in different ways, how to observe closely, perform simple tests, identify and classify and how to record their observations to answer questions being asked.